I believe that the fall season is upon us, and for most photogs that mean getting out as much as we can to shoot the changing of the seasons. It has alread begun here in Jasper, as I found out in the last couple days. Now that the hours have been cut back at work and I get out at a decent time to still go shooting, I imagine that I'll be getting out early most days and trying to get out after work to catch the last rays of the day. There are two things I absolutely love about fall, first; that the colors are so vibrant and interesting to shoot, two; the sunrises start a bit later!! That's great, now I don't have to get out of bed until 6:30am instead of 5am!! This means great things for me, sleep wise anyway. Yesturday I got to play around with the Nikon 60mm f/2.8 Micro lens. It's a pretty nice little lens, pretty sharp and produces great color, but methinks I may hold out for the 105mm f/2.8 VR lens, yes it is much more expensive, but it gets a bit more reach that I like in my macro shots. So today I leave you with one of my shots from yesturday from around Cottonwood Slough, just outside of the Jasper Townsite.
Photo: Nikon D90, Nikon 60mm f/2.8 Micro
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