So it seems I may get to a better blogging schedule very soon. Hopefully it will be a more frequent thing, as I find it keeps me hungry to make new images instead of always putting up something that I just resurrected in PS..(although, photos do need resurrecting from time to time). I was asked a few days ago to drive some friends up to the trailhead for the Skyline trail, a popular trail here in Jasper. Most people would say "No way!" to this sort of thing, but I thought "Hey, why not? Maligne Lake is right there and I'll be there just before sunrise, sounds like a good time for a sunrise photoshoot." So around 5:30am Sunday we left town and dropped the girls off at the trailhead around 6:20, then waited for the sun to come up. Normaly you get to play the game of "hurry up and wait", but that day we walked down to the shoreline to check out what we had in store, and there was the Boathouse, with all the outside lights on, with a PERFECT reflection in the water, with the most awesome blue twilight behind it. So we ran back to the van to get our kit and starting shooting right away. Turns out they were some of our favorite shots from the morning, and also the shot I opened the blog with today. I also had a great chance to use my Blue/Yellow Polarizer from Cokin too. There doesn't seem to be many times when this filter is the most useful, but then there are times when then light is just right and I think it totally made a difference in the Pano you see here.

I'm heading to Vancouver this week, spending about 4-5 days there. I have a few shots I would like to take while I'm there. I have ideas for a few shots in the downtown part of the city with my 10.5mm, I would really like to get a nice night time pano of the city as well from across the water, I'm gonna have to do some scouting for that one I think, but it'll be worth it for sure. Then I'll just shoot whatever I think is interesting. So until next time all I have left to say is Happy Birthday MOM!! Hope you had a great day!!
Photos: Nikon D90, 17-55mm f/2.8.
Thanks Jeff!