So here we are again, a couple days off and more bad weather...don't get me wrong, I really don't complain all the time, and I actually could have put up with some rain this week, I wanted to work a few street scenes in the rain, but of course, I woke up yesturday morning to AT LEAST 6 inches of snow on the ground!! Wow, I know we live in the Rockies and the weather changes every day, but Spring sure has been delayed this year!
On a very good note, the slightly displeasing weather caused me to go through some older images from the past few months, I created a few presets in my software and cleaned up some files on my computer that seemed to have no sense of organization. So it has been a productive few days. It's back to the ol' 9-5 tomorrow..or lets make that 10 to 9...I have started a second job so I'll have some extra cash over the summer. Getting married costs money, and I currently don't have a lot of that, so it's time to work my butt off for a few months, then relax and hopefully have lots of time for photography over the fall and winter!
On the old photo revival note, this image is of a church in Reserve Mines, NS. I shot a wedding during my Christmas Holiday in Nova Scotia, and this was the church where the wedding was held. I think i shot this after the wedding while waiting for the bride and groom. It is a three shot HDR , shot handheld, and processed in Photomatix Pro. I originally did it as a color image, and you can see that on my website here. I do like the original color image, but I have been wanting to play with textures lately, so today my motivation finally came about and I made this. It was pretty easy acutally, I simply converted the color image to a sort of nostalgic old time look, and added the texture layer on top and changed the "blend mode" to overlay, and presto...there you have it! Maybe next week I'll get my rain and put my ideas to work in town with some rainy street scenes. Who knows?!?!?!
Photo: Nikon D90, 17-55mm f/2.8
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