Ahh, another beautiful day in paradise. Oh wait, that wasn't today, or yesterday, or the day before, because it's been RAINING the past few days!! Man, I know we need the rain, and that I still got out to shoot those days, but I am a bit tired of not being able to get any great sunrise or sunset shots the past few days. Rain is great for rivers and streams and sometimes we've had some pretty cool clouds here, but not as nice as a great sunset!
This shot is from earlier in the week, we got out to a little spot East of Jasper, along the Athabasca River at the end of the Colin Range. I got this one just as the sun went beyond the horizon and lit up the mountain with the rays of the day.
I used a Graduated Neutral Density filter on this one to keep the sky a little darker and keep the warm glow the center of attention.
Photo: Nikon D90, 17-55mm f/2.8, Cokin 121 GND
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