Thursday, July 29, 2010

Then there was Tuesday..

Following Sunday's amazing light show, my wife and I took a camping trip to Lucerne Campground in British Columbia, it's only about 25 minutes away, but still a nice getaway. I went down to the lake to shoot a few sunset shots, but it was nothing in comparison to the day before, so we headed back to camp for some roasted marshmallows.

The next day was another beautiful summer day and after some paddling on Pyramid Lake, followed by a quick swim with the dog, we headed to Maligne Lake for another try at sunset. The light was good, and I was moving around a bunch to capture a few different images, all the while swatting at the mosquitoes. Since I had been to Maligne a few times already this year, and in previous years, I knew it was time to stray away from the typical "Boat House at Sunset" shots. I headed to the opposite side of the lake, where there is another wharf, and a boat launch, and shot the sunset from there. I did shoot a few "Boat House at Sunset" shots...but from a completely different angle, so I'm happy about that.

Soon after the sun started to set, the clouds started to light up again, similar to Sunday night, but not quite as vibrant. I still shot tonnes of images, moved around a lot and got a bunch of different compositions, although that was mostly so the bugs wouldn't bite! Another lesson learned, don't be afraid to shoot something new!

Photos: Nikon D90, 17-55mm f/2.8, Cokin P164 Polarizer, Cokin P120 GND.

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