I've done a very poor job of keeping up with my "web presence" the past month or so, and I think it's about time I take this a bit more serious and stay in touch with the world and the blogosphere! So my sincere apologies to those of you who read this....both of you, if it's that many! I've had a few things going on the past while...keeping up with the 365 Project, I've only missed 4 days so far I think. That's not bad in my book.

At the start of this month I moved to a new apartment, a little bigger, which is nice, I now have my own computer room...sort of anyway, it's a spare bedroom, but we don't have guests that often, so it's my "office" for now..sweet. The few days I missed shooting when we moved, I kinda felt lost without my camera, and when I picked it back up again, everything just felt right! I realized that shooting and editing every day kept me in a groove, and it was, and still is very natural for me to shoot photos, and not have to think about the technical stuff, and just find my vision. Then when sitting at the computer, my workflow has become second nature, it has allowed me to explore a few new things, as I go through my images faster than usual. Now I just need to take the few minutes a day or every couple of days, and keep up with the blog...I think I can make it work. If I want to be seen and heard in this online world of photography, I have no choice but to stick with it. There is no giving up now... no one likes a quitter! So for now I leave you with a few favs from the past couple weeks, and be sure to check in for some more frequent updates in the future!

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