Monday, February 1, 2010

Ready for Spring!

So I haven't kept up on the blog posting like I would like to. Hopefully that will change here in the next few weeks. Just been busy with all the "social media" I've been trying to keep up with. I think the only thing I'm not doing is "tweeting" or using Twitter, but I don't have a cell phone, so I'll start to "Tweet" whenever I get on of those. I've been keeping up with Flickr, Facebook, my web page, and trying to shoot everyday as well. It doesn't sound like much, but for some reason it's all making my head spin and I feel tired!

I only got outside twice this week, as we had to make a trip to Edmonton in the middle of last week. I went out for a sunrise at Pyramid Lake, that didn't materialize, it just got cloudy. Then I got out today, to my current hang....south of town on the Athabasca River. Today I had all my gear with me so I went back to using my good old filters. Only two were used today, the polarizer and my 3-stop Graduated Neutral Density. They are probably the two most used filters in my bag. So much so that they are getting a little scratched up and could use replacing this summer....or for a B-day gift..for anyone listening..hint, hint.

So today's shots have very little done to them in the way of post processing, a little contrast and saturation, and we're done! That simple. No HDR, mo merging exposures, got it all right in the camera....good times. I have plans for another mini road trip south to Banff National Park tomorrow, so with any luck I'll come back with a few pics from there!

Photos: Nikon D90, 17-55mm f/2.8, Cokin Polarizer, Cokin P121 GND

1 comment:

  1. Nice blog with beautiful pictures.Have a safe journey.Hope we will see more charming pics next.
