The past few days shooting has been a blast. It all started off with a cool HDR shot I did in town on Monday night, followed by a great sunrise shoot the next morning. After shooting the sunrise I went a short way down the Icefields Parkway to a place along the Athabasca River, just passed Athabasca Falls and shot the morning light on Fryatt Mountain. That mountain always looks so great in the winter, the snow sticks to the mountain in such a beautiful way. The next day I made the 2 and 1/2 hour drive to Abraham Lake for a sunrise, but the sun didn't really show up, but I shot a few frames anyhow. At least now I know where to stop for the next time I go there. And finally yesterday was great too!! I woke up to -11 Celsius temps in town and lots of fog, which made for great Frost conditions. Everything in town was covered in frost....and I mean everything. I lucked out around lunch hour when the sky cleared and there was blue sky all over. Frosted trees against a blue sky with cool clouds... yeah, it's as great as it sounds! Anyhow, hopefully I can keep this motivational streak going and keep pushing on with the 365 project. I've only posted a little poster from yesterday's shots here, but look back for more later today or tomorrow to see results from the previous days.
Photos: Nikon D90, 17-55mm f/2.8
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