Ohhh man, I knew puppies were a lot of work, especially when you first get them, trying to get a schedule and routine down and all that. But man am I tired!! The first few nights he slept like a charm and I though "man, this is gonna be easy". Until the past two nights he's been up at 3 and 4 am, although I think I woke him last night when I got up for a drink. So that's why my "Returned with Puppy" post has taken so long to get up. What a day we had last Thursday too!! Drove from Jasper to Calgary via Hwy 93, which I'm surprised we even made it, there was so much snow. So instead of risking an accident on the way back, we drove Hwy 2 from Calgary to Edmonton, then Hwy 16 from Edmonton back to Jasper. What a day...7am to 12:30am. Needless to say I was a bit tired at work Friday. My wife got to spend the first few days with him....his name is Indie...and I'm on duty today and yesterday. Fun times for sure, he's playful and I'm sure in the long run he'll be great for our health, as he seems to be an active little fella. So here's a few pics of the new family addition, and because I was so amazed how much we drove on Thursday, pretty much all over Central Alberta, I added a little map for anyone who doesn't know exactly how much driving that is. And last, I added a little mountain photo for good measure. The beauty of driving the parkway in the early hours was that we got to catch a little bit of a sunrise! I had to pull over to relieve myself and took the opportunity to grab a quick photo. Enjoy!!

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