It's been a while, so I've got two photos for y'all. An HDR from June of a shoot I did of and old GMC truck at a local hotel in town. I really wanted to do more car and old vehicle HDR's so I went out and worked this truck a few times one day. Turned out to be a great day and I got a few shots that I really like. It was my usual HDR setup, 3 bracketed shots at 2 EV apart. Shot this one with the 10.5mm f/2.8 aimed slightly up towards the sky, so it sorta looks like the truck is smiling. I think it gives it a bit more character.

Next up is a pretty straight forward 25 shot Mega Pano. This is something I still need lots of work on, as I'd like to perfect it and do a series of panos from around Jasper National Park and hopefully sell them in a number of stores here. I've been working a lot lately, mostly to make up for the time I'll be taking off for the wedding at the end of the month, which is fast approaching!! The excitement is building and I hope to shoot tons of photos that week, so I'll have material to blog for quite some time after that. We've also got a short trip planned to Vancouver in September, can't wait for that either, lots of photo ops to be had in that town!
Photos: Nikon D90, (top) 10.5mm f/2.8, (bottom) 50mm f/1.4
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