Mt. Edith Cavell is one of my favorite places to shoot in Jasper National Park. Don't get me wrong this park is extremely beautiful from park gate to park gate, but it seems to me that I always end up back at the Cavell Lake or in Cavell Meadows, or just strolling along the "Path of the Glacier" at the bottom of the mountain. In the few short years I've been taking pictures in a serious way, I already have a few thousand shots from the Cavell area. I've spent a number of freezing cold mornings waiting for sunrise, only to have clouds roll in and drive back home without a shot, or at least the shot I wanted that day. Last year there was a four or six week period where I was up at Cavell for sunrise at least one of my days off, if not both of them. Eventually I got the photo I wanted, and I'm extremely pleased with it.

Mid August holds the best month to explore the meadows above Cavell, mountain wildflowers bloom inches off the trail and well into the forest, just begging to be photographed with Edith Cavell in the background. As I write this the last light of the day is hitting the North Face of the mountain and it is just amazing. Maybe this is the reason I haven't left this park in the last five years. I was up there a few weeks ago to check it out, and of course, I got a few new photos to add the collection, and I know for sure I'll be up there again later in August and September, trying to add to the library once again.
Photos: Top-Nikon D40x, 17-55mm f/2.8, Bottom-Nikon D90, 17-55mm f/2.8
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